Our Story

Growing up my favourite time of the day was the sleepy hours of the midday when my mom would nap. Sneaky little kids that we were, my brothers and I would climb the sprawling jamun tree to get our daily dose of the juicy, tart flesh. We would always return with bright purple stains on our t-shirts much to our mother's dismay.
Satmya is a culmination of my mother's influence and subsequently my wholehearted attempt to follow a healthy and holistic lifestyle. Inspired by our family recipes using the herbs, fruits, and vegetables of our farm we bring to you a finely curated selection of a healthy and fresh range of herbal home remedies and organic jams. These valued recipes have been family favorites, they have come to our aid be it seasonal flu, chronic fatigue, or irregular sleep patterns.
We are committed to bring the healing benefits of Indian spices and herbs. Enjoy the benefits of our straight-from-the-farm, freshly prepared herbal products, and delightful fruit preserves.